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Monday, May 24, 2010


There is no true "scene" in ANY city that is totally united at its core. its a myth people perpetuate to point out that they think its possible (it isn't). people talk about this all the time but the fact is that as long as there are people on top, the people on the bottom (whether because they where there fairly or unfairly) will undoubtedly complain. thats okay.

WHAT IS NOT OKAY however, are when those people who claim to be in a tight-knit organization a really just a loosely realated group of people who are all looking for someone to use and use up.

SEATTLE: At first look you would see a nice group of talented nearly polished emcee's and producers that all appear to work together in loving hip hop matremony. A land of Oz if you will. so what happens when the perverbial WIZARD OF OZ needs help? why you throw a party and rally behind your boy of course!
In this case, the help the wizard needed was to keep the Pharmacy; a local beacon of hip hop hope in Seattle that is (estimated off the top) probably the source about 70% of the quality local hip hop that is blasting on the very limited sources here in the city. for various reasons the pharmacy was facing being removed from our growing rap map and the solution was a old school Rent party. The venue was thrown (to be fair rather last minute) at the Hidmo in the Central District. With a cover of only $5, and awesome drink specials (I got introduced to for the first time to a sneakily intoxicating drink called "spodee"), I had almost no doubt in my mind that this was gonna be a real big shindig with the biggest problem being if there was gonna be standing room in such a small venue.


Now before I go any further let me put this in proper context for possible national readers who don't understand our little scene. Picture that Jay Dilla was still alive but didn't have alot of money. a dirty deal on his contract with [enter evil record label here] means he is about to lose all his belongings and music forever and ever. the only thing he can do is throw a rent party to save his stuff. Do you think all the people Dilla has worked with in his lifetime would show up? al the dilla stans that claim he inspired him (yet they're music sounds nothing like his), all the people who claim to be down with dilla?

I hope so because that's not what I saw at this event.
what i did see was a strong handful of about 70 or so people who you could tell where down with Vita from day one. People who you could tell were actually friends with dude before he became the main sound of the town. they came in and paid, bought raffle tickets, bought drinks (which also went towards the cause) and were supportive in all ways possible. Every face I saw I could identify how they were connected to the man, from artist who hapilly hopped up on stage to spit verses over songs they collabed on with him to young producers that probably didn't know what 4/4 time was until he explained it to them. but the numbers didn't add up. 70% of the polished music scene shouldn't add up to 70 people. where the fuck was everybody. ANSWER: some phony shit was going down. Im not trying to get on a white horse and claim loyalty. I just came by and dropped a few dollars and showed love, thats nothing compared to those that ORIGINATED AND ORGANIZED THE WHOLE THING. I haven't know the man for that long so I am not gonna sit here and front like I been down since day one, but you don't really gotta know him to see that he is good for the town in a major way. half the reason the studio was in such a financial state is because of his NON-SHEISTY business practices. yep, all them times you didn't have the recording money and he "let you slide till next time", or you really wanted a beat of his but couldn't afford it (after your broke ass already recorded on it) and he liked you on it so much that he let it go "for the love". those all end up costing and they don't cost anybody but him. until such a stable in the town falls and then it cost all of us.

To those that complain about aspects of the scene being faulty such as you not being able to get on, those are beatable and while they may exist, are really nothing more than a annoyance. BUT THINGS LIKE THIS ARE DISTURBING.

had this party been introduced as a chance to look at some sexy females and get some drinks (of which both were there) complete with typical party flyer packaging of a half naked chick and a bottle of champagne people that didn't even know vita would have been there. but since a brotha decides to be straight up and reach out.......

just think about it, what if the Pharmacy wasn't saved, what would (again) 70% of the towns music scene do? sorry but i just gotta say if you didn't show up and you were in town that is officially some funny shit #takeithowyouwannatakeit. I understand some of you may have had to work or had prior obligations but i sure hope you threw the man something or do when you see him.

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