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Sunday, July 11, 2010

THE LAST SOUNDWAVES?: inane ramblings about the scene during my short run

Welp, here we are. end of the whole experiment that was soundwaves 2 and i find myself asking the serious question of "should there even be a soundwaves 3? before I delve deep into my emo fest I must warn you, im on some new shit. names will get named here. i don't care anymore. I have always tried to keep quite on stuff because of the fact that the Seattle scene is a constant flux of "whose side are you on". you critisize someones beat, they don't wanna submit work to your project, you tell someone they coulda brought it a little more on a verse, they don't wanna open for your show. A little tact is never a bad thing, but its gotten so bad to the point that they're are people you litterally can't tell nothing to and let me be honest, as a producer i get enough of this already and i'm not gonna contribute to it. especially since the results are the same as if i had said something. also we started soundwaves to for the main purpose of "putting people on" we always kept the most perfect balance possible of established local acts, up and comers, total darkhorses for the soul reason of letting nonames shine against stars in a way we are pretty confident you would never see otherwise. we also wanted to see people come up on a little cash. of course their are greedy reasons like building a brand out of the show, and getting Cel some face time invovled as to why we did this, im not gonna lie. but the base intentions where always pure. just looking at it from a business model perspective would show pretty clearly that it wouldn't be smart from a business perspective but my goal never was to make money from this. We know where not BIGTUNE (a show that we have tremendous respect for) nor were we trying to be with this beat battle, we always wanted to remain small and local. Steve harvey voice: "WELL, NOW THAT WE GOT THAT PART OUT OF THE WAY...." first off, i had a 15 man line up rather than a traditional 16 man. why you ask? well to give our reigning champion kdcutz a first round bye (a thought up reward for winning previous soundwaves battles that Cel and I thought up that we thought would be cool). the only problem with such an odd lineup is that the entire show would be fucked if you don't get everyone to show up. but surely our hero of yesteryear wouldn't miss an opportunity to win another cash prize, especially one that would theoretically be easier than last year with one less round right? right? WRONG infact we had a number of flat out no show no calls in some of the most unprofessional manner. kdcuts no show jay battle no show izzy no show <---(fyi dude, your automatic xbox360 gamertag updates that say your at home playing call of duty modern warfare 2, not a good look when you noshow on someone). pretty much the only legitamate cancellation was boomboxmassacre, who had a computer issue and told me well ahead of time that he couldn't attend. there was other fuccery from other competitors, such as asking to get in without having to submit beats (man if you don't have beats for consideration, how you gonna win the battle!?) and then once getting in, dropping out the day of once you see the competition sheet because you quote "forgot it was fathers day that day" cmon son! lol really!? In case you haven't figured the theme out for this blog entry, its show etiquete. I know sometimes in the midst of being told how nice you are by friends and family, getting a couple youtube shout outs, or maybe even doing a song with a Q-list celebrity artist or two it can be easy to forget you are not in a position to be a diva and are in fact very much.....gulp....dare i say it?


shocked diva: "wha....!? not me"




all of us

local, so get off your high horse

I'm sorry but you not wanting to start the show until you have purified yourself in waters of lake minitonka, or recieved your hand picked grapes just isn't in the cards and continuing down that path is just gonna screw your name up real fucking talk. i don't care who you (or who you think you) are, people will get tired of it. YOUR NOT KANYE. i had a nigga really request comp meals to do the show, im like "nigga you submited your application to me! gtfohwtbs"

its getting weird out here yall. i know im gonna get a thousand "do you know who such and such is, you should apologize" type of emails, save em. i don't care and this stuff needs to be said.

for all the whinning people do about shady promoters/venues like studio 7 and how much you guys wanna "get on" how you gonna front someone off when they try to actually put you on.

when my co-sponsor had to gracefully bow out and the prize went from $1000 - down to $500, i swallowed my pride and made sure i personally emailed, twittered, text, and in some cases even called each and every contestant to let you know it and if you wanted out because of it, you were more than welcomed to. now imagine how bad a rep i would have had if i had just said it at the show.

next post we will go further into actual show etiquete in the next post.


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